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Arthur Murray Showcase
Posted by Anonymous
7/29/2006  8:41:00 AM
My AM instructor recently asked me to participate in a showcase in two months. I'm concerned because I don't think I'm ready...I've only been taking lessons since May and I don't feel like I've really *mastered* any of my dances to the point where I could have a polished performance that is not mediocre.
I'd like to trust that my instructor would only ask me if he thought I was ready...but there is also a part of me wondering if this is more about sales. I do have a lot of respect for his opinion, and if he REALLY thinks I'm ready, then I feel I should do it. I just don't want to have a disasterous performance. Does anyone have any experience with this?
Re: Arthur Murray Showcase
Posted by Laura
7/29/2006  9:00:00 AM
I've been competing for over eight years and I always feel nervous and like I'm not ready.

That said, my first piece of advice is to sit down and have a frank talk with your instructor about exactly how much this is going to cost you. Showcases can get to be VERY expensive, and you don't need to be adding sticker shock on to your nerves.

If, after he's disclosed and explained the costs, you still want to do it -- then go for it! You have to start some time! I did my first inter-studio competition, where a couple of local studios got together, after I had only been dancing for about three months. I was nervous, but afterwards I realized I had had so much fun that I became hooked on dancing and competing for life! Since then I've had several amateur partners, plus have done Pro/Am with three different teachers over the years.
Re: Arthur Murray Showcase
Posted by Emanon56
7/29/2006  9:35:00 AM
HMMM the Arthur Murray Showcase, one of the best sales tactics that they have. A new student that came in last week will "be ready" for that showcase.
You will be required to use more lessons to learn the dance or you will be required to purchae more lessons to learn the dance. You will be teased with patterns that are not at your level, but let's show the Judge how well you can handle the more advanced material. HMMM oh thats right, you will need to purchase a ticket for the dinner dance and awards presentation that night. And there will be a fee for entering this showcase because they have to pay the Judge and your teacher etc. And much to your amazement you will go home with a trophy or a ribbon. And DAMM everyone did. OH thats right there might be a free style comp too and if you sign uo for one or ten there will be a special fee for that too.
After the event is over and you are so excited about what you have done. The Judge (generally) along with your teacher will sing you the praises for the job you did and how well you handled the advanced material in your routine. And if you really enjoyed what you have done and would like more it will cost you your next unborn child. Please sign here.
If learning how to dance is something you really desire take all the monies that you will spend and invest it in lessons with a good teacher. And if you desire to compete wait until something comes up where it is a true dance competion and not a way of just selling you lessons. A great deal of the material learned is nothing u will ever use again anyway.

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